Welcome friends!
Peach Plumb Pear is a place where I show my latest work and share my heart with you. My goal is leaving you inspired and excited about your life. I am a simple girl who is obsessed with love, vintage, friendships and of course photos. My hubby and I are twin cities based photographers! This is our website.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Hello lovely friends!!!
Last night Ryan and I set up this wonderful shoot together. It is so fun to be best friends with someone who has the same passion as you. We both get joy from finding the perfect lighting and creating a great image. Ryan is such a blessing in my life, he always knows what to do when I cant seem to get lighting right. He is great at that....me on the other hand give me natural lighting any day.... its just way easier and less frustrating. I am grateful for my wonderful husband who helps me with a shoot at midnight even when he has had a long day. :)

Enjoy!! Let me know what you think! I love feedback!

In my final portfolio at Hallmark I had a image that had red and yellow in it as well, it reminded me of this shoot.
It was one of those shoots where I just grabbed random things I had in my room and made something out of it. I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. I miss those Hallmark days, being with all my friends and constantly being amazed at what talented friends I have. It was a great time in my life I miss those people everyday.

I made a quick little promo last night as well!

Check back in tomorrow!