Welcome friends!
Peach Plumb Pear is a place where I show my latest work and share my heart with you. My goal is leaving you inspired and excited about your life. I am a simple girl who is obsessed with love, vintage, friendships and of course photos. My hubby and I are twin cities based photographers! This is our website.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Emily The Moonmaster

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I work at H&M as a manager and through my journey with H&M I have met some of my closest friends. Last year we moved to Minneapolis and I left a lot of my dearest babes behind and now I am either constantly talking about them or am taking to them. But with a new city comes new faces and new adventures. This is Emily she is a doll, her style is completely her own and she has the cutest laugh you'll ever hear, plus she plays bass and sings in this totally awesome band with her brother called Moonmaster! We bonded over how we both grew up in small town Minnesota and couldn't wait to get to the city. Emily has shaped who I am today by helping me see the bright side in daily life and keeping me sane by laughing our way through a crazy busy Saturday's at work. She's a peach.

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